Hi, I’m Bettye Nicole

And I am just a “Gal who loves her Bible”! I also love coffee, reading biographies, and traveling. I’ve walked through my seemingly unfair share of trials. The pain in those moments felt unbearable and far beyond redemption. Job had it right when he exclaimed, ‘Man born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble”-Job 14:1.

I experienced deep disappointment when my daughter passed away unexpectedly to SIDS and shortly after navigating divorce. I grieved life and loss simultaneously. During this dark season of my life, Jesus Christ himself became my light, comfort, and strength. Over time, He healed my broken heart, sutured my wounds, and redeemed my life. The Bible encouraged my heart in indescribable ways and became my lifeline. I was able to exchange my hopelessness and despair for the Hope that “All things would work together for my good.”Romans 8:28

Daily, I strive to live out the truths of scripture and continuously entrust myself to God’s sovereign hand. God knows exactly what He is doing in our lives. Be Encouraged; God has promised His people Victory!

Formal Introduction

Bettye Nicole is a Mother, Bible Teacher, and founder of Bailey's Dash Foundation; Speaker, Prayer Warrior, and Author of the books Love Remains, Grief From Life, Grief From Loss. Bettye Nicole hosts "What's Behind Your Selfie" yearly. This conference brings women from all walks of life to share their testimonies.

When A woman has the conviction that she is doing the work God gave her to do, there is a zeal and courage in her soul that all the forces in this world cannot destroy.”

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest Joshua 1:9