I dreamed

May 15th, I dreamed that a young lady’s full name came across my caller ID. We had never spoken before, but I recognized the name, it was weird! I answered the call, and before I could fully greet her, she began sharing all of this information with me. She gave names and instances of things that had been occurring unbeknownst to me. I searched for a pen as it was so much information I couldn’t store it in my mind. Once she was done, we ended the call.

Almost immediately, I forgot half of what she said, but one thing was clear, God was revealing and exposing some things.

I truly believe this is the season of exposure. We see it happening in our land on one spectrum, but I believe the depth of some things is still ahead. This year has been one for the books already, and it’s almost scary to think of what’s to come. I am hopeful, BUT STILL, I pray that God will prepare our hearts, preserve our families, and strengthen our hearts.

Sometimes, we turn a blind eye to the things we don’t want to believe. We can have a gut feeling about an individual or notice certain character flaws, yet we will sweep our knowing under the rug. We do this under the guise of “I don’t believe this person is capable of such and such”. Deep down, because of the flaws, you have seen already you know that they are but it’s easier to soothe yourself with what you don’t want to believe then to face what could be.

I have been very intentional about seeking God these days. I encourage you to do the same. We are living in some dark times and we truly need the light of Jesus Christ. It’s our only hope. I want to leave you guys with this. God never, reveals a thing without a purpose. Everything God does is for a reason. I believe there has been so much wickedness, evil, and unjust behavior that God has to expose some things in order to save. When David committed that sin with Bathsheba and then Uriah, he had over a year to repent. In that time frame, he didn’t. It wasn’t until God sent the prophet Nathan to him to confront him. God did this for David’s sake.

Please stay close to the word of God and remain consistent in your prayer life. Keep your eyes and heart attentive to God as I truly believe HE is speaking in this hour.


Bettye Nicole

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 8:17





Let It Go