Not good that I am alone

In Genesis 2:18, When God said, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” He was thinking of me, I am (Wo)man, and it IS NOT GOOD that I am alone (not married).

Last night, I had so many dreams. I would wake up pondering one, drift back to sleep, and awake again, wondering what it all meant. At one point, I remember staring at my bathroom and thinking, “Lord, thank you for all you have done for me.” I was thankful. But still, I missed something. I missed marriage.

I am working towards some things in my business life. I am grateful to be a partner with the YouVersion Bible App. God has revealed and healed many areas in my personal life, but this one thing is still missing. It’s companionship.

I adore all of the women, who are bold enough to say, they are happy in their single state. Honestly, I am content. Singleness just doesn’t fit MY personality. I love talking, laughing with, sharing secrets and cuddling, and just being in love. It’s a thing for me! A thing I dreamed about since I was a young girl. I love God, and He is and will always be the head of my life, but I desire a Husband. Today, during my prayer time, I prayed about this. I was vulnerable with God, and I asked that He would please restore me into marriage. I am thankful for the time He allotted me as a single woman, but I am ready to build with someone.

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I believe we are in a dark season this year. Isolations, limited family time, and all of the changes that have occurred this year have really allowed me to pray for and desire the things that money can’t buy. This, for me, is family. If you are in the space mentally today, as we approach the holidays, I encourage you to pray and share your vulnerable heart with God. He cares. I am learning that it’s in my honesty that I can lift the loads that weigh on my heart some days.

Maybe your thing isn’t relational. Maybe you have lost a parent or family member who has changed your family’s dynamics; I encourage you to pray a prayer still and ask God to step into your heart and comfort you. Holidays can be tough. God understands this; this is why I encourage you to cling to Him. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you all, and I pray peace, love, and, more importantly, HOPE.

Be Encouraged, Bettye Nicole

I cried to thee, O LORD; and unto the LORD I made supplication Psalm 30:8


Lessons in a Lesson- Guard your heart #1 


Lord, I trust You