What thoughts are robbing you of your joy?

Over the last few years, I've prayed that the Lord would restore joy to my heart! I was grateful for all the Lord had done and was doing in my life. But still, there was this depth of sorrow that I couldn't seem to shake.

As I prayed and read the word, I would recognize the lies that I had believed and replace them with truth, but still, it always felt like I was missing something. This overwhelming sense of sadness would come over me whenever I was still. You know, most times, we shun or attempt to suppress the grief from life that we feel, but I have learned that the sorrow is an indicator that there is something that we've not yet surrendered to God for Him to heal and restore. Sorrow can be linked to unanswered prayers or painful questions about why God allowed certain things. All of this stir in our mind, affecting our emotions and joy.

One day, the Lord revealed that I wasn't without joy; I just had chosen not to see "God's goodness in my today, and I was allowing the fears from my past and the uncertainty of my future to trump the truth of God's word to me as His daughter." Why was I blind to this, and why was it so challenging to trust God one day at a time? It was the enemy; he was bombarding my mind with past failures and regret while simultaneously casting doubt on my future.

We must take inventory of our thoughts daily. Paul teaches us in 2:10 Corinthians, "casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;."

I encourage you to watch your thoughts because they affect you in more ways than you know. Genuine Joy is found in trusting Christ. If you are struggling with intense sorrow, pray and ask the Lord to identify the root. Fear was stealing my joy, but unbelief could be robbing you of yours.

God Has a plan, but when we focus more on our past and put too much thought and questions into the future of an answered prayer, we miss the joy that may be found in our present.

Joy is a by-product of our trust in Christ!

Be Encouraged,

Bettye Nicole

'looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 'Hebrews 12:2


Fear drives us to self-willed solutions.


God always has a plan in a plan