
A few weeks ago, I read "The Bait Of Satan." Essentially the book is talking about the importance of not being offended even when the choices of others hurt you. 


As I read and highlighted through the chapters, I could see why this concept is so important in the life of a believer. Satan will use any circumstance he can to get you in the space of offense. The Bible goes on to warn of this "looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;" Hebrews 12:15 KJV.


Over the last few weeks, there have been several instances where I felt the sting of offense, but I have prayed, "Lord, please help me to trust YOU in these situations and not to look so deep into the why.


We may feel used, rejected, betrayed, hurt, and more in some seasons. But we must be diligent about reconciling what we feel to what is true. The enemy will work hard to lead your emotions down a road of offense, don't allow him to win.

Throughout my life, I can honestly say every time I was left out or not included- In the end, There was always a Thank You, Jesus. Things aren't always what they appear, and you will be deceived to believe God will withhold anything "good" from His children. 


I encourage you guys to trust God. Love people. Stick to Truth. Carry the necessary baggage. Leave the rest behind. But Most importantly, move forward.


God IS Faithful and Trustworthy even when people aren't. 

'Great peace have they which love thy law: And nothing shall offend them. ' Psalm 119:165


Years ago, I took many shortcuts.


Hope In Betrayal