Years ago, I took many shortcuts.

I knew God wanted me to do certain things, but I lacked courage. Instead of trusting that God would get me through these challenges, I fought against them and essentially Him.

Over the last few months, I have seen test reappear that looks very similar to the ones God brought me to years ago. It’s the craziest thing. We hear this statement all the time “God will bring a test before you again and again until you pass.” This principle IS true! As I navigate these next few months, I solicit your prayers. Pray that God would give me the wisdom to do what needs to be done in this season so that I not only pass these tests but, more importantly, that I learn the valuable lessons God has wanted me to know.

One consistent theme that has been so evident in my life is “whenever you step outside of God’s will to get a thing; you will have to stay outside to keep it.” The shortcuts may seem easier and may even superficially grant peace. Eventually, God will lead you back to the beginning, and you will have to face all the Goliaths; you didn’t have the courage to fight in the beginning. 

This time things will be different because my confidence is in God alone. Here’s to picking up my stones, crossing bridges, and defeating Goliaths.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

#encouragement #BettyeNicole #faith #courage


The battle starts in our mind, and it’s won when we take steps forward in Faith. 

