Unhealthy Eating=crappy Feeling

Two days ago, during my prayer time, I prayed a prayer that seemed almost ridiculous “Lord, I am sorry for eating so unhealthy today; honestly, I ate how I felt-crappy. Before you worry, please know- I am well, and God is STILL good. Lol. It’s just that I am working through a few realities. Accepting what is—and trusting God with what may never be. It’s a process. 

After those words flowed in prayer, Almost, immediately the Lord impressed upon my heart, “This is an example of a sinner’s ways.” They eat (behave) according to how they feel (flesh/sinful nature). I won’t share much about this point as I want to save this for another day and another post. 


It’s amazing what we will give ourselves to when our own desires lead us. When we are hurt, sometimes, our choices reflect that. We do things or get involved in situations that, if the pain weren’t present, we wouldn’t of either considered. In other moments, we are so excited that we make decisions in haste, later to regret, wishing we would have thought things through. All in all, we lean too much on our feelings when making choices when we ought to be leaning and relying on the Lord. 

The bible says, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16) Walk. This Is an intentional choice to choose to follow after the Lord, and His ways oppose to basing our choices off our feelings and emotions. 

It’s easier for us to make choices that we later regret when we are not feeling our best. Especially as it pertains to food, but it’s in those moments that we have to remember that every decision counts. The consequence that follows will not take into account how you were feeling but what you did.

Later that day, I felt the effects of my unhealthy choices. Some of you may be living through some tough things because of choices from the past. We can’t change what’s behind us, but we can realize these bad habits that we tend to do when we don’t feel our best and change. I prayed about my unhealthy choices because I know my body is the only one I will ever have on this side of heaven. It’s God’s temple and I, want to take care of it, No matter how I feel!

Let’s do things the right way, even when it’s tough. Let’s trust God with ALL our hearts and believe the best. Even when things feel as if they are at, it’s worse. Let choose what’s best always especially in the moments when it’s easier to just give in and be led by our emotions. 

I want you guys to rise in the morning with these words etched in your heart, EVERY DECISION I MAKE TODAY, MATTERS! 

PS. That crappy feeling went away as I prayed and poured my heart out to God. I am so thankful for God’s word and the means He has given us all to communicate with him-Prayer.

Prayer works!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him,

    and he will make straight your paths.


My home is a mess right now!


Freedom from denial