Make the decision

Today I visited my oral surgeon's office to get two lower implants. I chatted with the assistant as she set up my room and started me with the laughing gas. I suppose it was meant to make me relax, but I had the opposite reaction, I started asking more questions, and between the pauses, I reflected. While she inserted the IV and prepped me for sedation. I started praying, Lord, let me wake up; then I said, Lord, I need to make some different choices. 

Honestly, there are just some things that I am tired of.

I've prayed, read books, and talked about it, but still, I keep seeing this pattern. I will spare y'all the details, but Lord knows I want to see change. I kid you not; each time I pray about patterns, the Lord reminds me of the power of choice and action. Sometimes, the real issue is not the yearning for change but the fear of actually deciding to do something and then doing it. God is a God of His Word, so why do we continually return on ours? Some factors play into this question, but I believe sometimes we're not committed to the change we say we want. God knows it, and He will not let us move beyond the decisions we are willing or unwilling to make. 

Everything in life comes down to a decision, choosing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, choosing relationships, and cutting off the bad ones. Our careers, friends, the city we live in, I mean, everything begins with a choice, then an action.

My encouragement to you tonight is to evaluate your past decisions, present, and what you plan to make in the future. Are there some choices that need to be made so that you may get back on track, or do you need to seek God wholeheartedly for help and deliverance from your present circumstances? If so, then take action. Make a decision and trust the process of change. 

Don't wait until it's too late; take the first step or action if you recognize the need. Pray first, but then do. You are one decision away from a better life. Plus, the way this time is moving, who knows what tomorrows hold. You don't have to be bound to your past decisions, but you can experience a better tomorrow. God Has the Power and Is Able to help you, but you must commit to His Will. 

"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." Psalm 86:11 ESV

Be Encouraged,

Bettye Nicole


God always has a plan in a plan


A Gal And Her Bible…