My hero carried a bible and prayed…

 One day, my mom sent me one of his sermons, forever changing my life. I grew up listening to preaching, but I never heard a Bible teacher that was practical, meek, sure, and biblically sound. Dr. Charles Stanley will forever have a place in my heart. He was like a grandfather figure that I never had yet always prayed to experience. 

Though I only met him once, his teachings were formative in the woman I am today. And I get to listen to him, keep his 30 life biblical principles close, and continue to support the ministry God gave him through  @InTouchMinistries    He will be missed, and though my heart is broken, I don't grieve as one who has no hope. Dr. Charles Stanley lived in this world, but he was not of; I pray that it is said about my life that I did the same. 

I pray that my short testimony is encouraging to you guys. And though I spoke highly of Dr. Charles Stanley, God is still all and all. I felt comfortable sharing because his teachings pointed us to scripture, prayer, and Jesus Christ. 

Not all heroes were capes; they carried, taught, and lived the Bible. Forever grateful, Bettye Nicole



God will restore the years…


Thy word have i hid in my heart…