There are many things I don't understand, but one thing I do, God is Trustworthy, and that's it.

This week, while away in Dallas at the IF:Gathering

I listened in as one of the speakers spoke about an emergency she experienced with her daughter that led her to question her Faith. I could resonate with her message in many aspects. As she described her questions and God's intervention, I started to tear up. I always think about other women whose intervention looks very different—those whose children succumbed to illness or died unexpectedly. True Faith involves standing in the tension of "God, you were in control the day my daughter passed, just as you were when you spared someone else child's life."

God Is and Was Good in both instances.

We all have questioned God when prayers seemingly go unanswered, when our lives are tunneling through the darkness of adversity, and when we are in the midst of emotional turmoil. Still, we must trust Jesus! Those questions especially pierce our emotions when we hear testimonies and stories of others whose outcome is the very prayer we prayed. Still, we must trust Jesus. Trust doesn't always dry our tears, but it always stills our hearts. Trust calms our soul so that we may focus on God's love and trust that the experience is working together for our good; for it has to.

My heart will probably always skip when I listen to testimonies of close calls, yet I can find gratitude in the comfort that is ever with me. I suffered a loss like no other when Bailey passed, but thank God I didn't lose my Faith and confidence in Jesus Christ. He truly is my only hope!

There are many things I don't understand, but one thing I do, God is Trustworthy, and that's it.

Be Encouraged,


'But he knoweth the way that I take: When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. ' Job 23:10


Idols disappoint, but God will never fail us.


Infertility| Struggles|Pride & Hope