Idols disappoint, but God will never fail us.

Years ago, the Lord revealed to me the hidden idols that were tucked away in my heart. Though I didn’t recognize them as such, God pointed them out to me in a dream. God wants us to trust in Him and Him alone. In the seasons when life feels uncertain, our faith and trust in God will keep us steady mentally and emotionally. 

If you are experiencing a difficult season, you may be prone to lean on your understanding, and in that depending, you may be tempted to find security in other things; but that’s not God’s will for you. God’s Desire for us is to be single-hearted in our devotion and to trust In Christ alone. 

Pray and ask God to reveal any areas you have not fully surrendered, and yield when He does. I promise it will take the load off your heart, and the exchange will be God’s perfect peace. 

God never promised that we wouldn’t have to walk through tough times, but He promised to be with us always. And God will never take second place in our lives; He loves us too much, and he has to be first because He knows fully what idolatry does to our lives; idols disappoint. But God will never fail us. 

Be Encouraged,


'Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.'1 John 5:21


A Gal And Her Bible…


There are many things I don't understand, but one thing I do, God is Trustworthy, and that's it.