Let no one deceive you…

Deception has been on my heart lately, and this scripture that relates to it in Ephesians 5:6 NIV “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.”

In many ways, and several circumstances, I have walked through seasons of heavy deception. Seasons in which I believed a lie, was comforted by lies and even—trusted that in some way, things (lies that others wanted me to believe ) would work themselves out. Although deep down, I knew I was living in a space that was not authentic.

Deception is powerful as it can cause one to believe a lie over the truth. It wouldn’t be so powerful if it didn’t, in some way, seem real, feel believable, and be so close to what is true yet so far.

What do I mean? Think about a designer bag. Companies who work hard to create the knock off always get the main details intact. Only one who has owned or has a true understanding of what the real thing ought to look like will notice that the stitching is off or some other small detail. Although the bag looks real from afar after it has been examined closely, you can see that it is fake. This is a perfect analogy of how easily we can be deceived if we decide not to pay attention to the details.

We have to be very careful and intentional about the relationships we are building with folks as we move forward. The foundation of any relationship, business venture, or friendship MUST be built on trust. It must be built on good, integral, and honest soil. Anything apart from this will eventually work against you. No matter how hard you try to keep it together.

The bibles said, “LET NO ONE deceive you.” This means family, friends, Social Media, no one or nothing. Paul understood just how detrimental this could be to our future. He even speaks on the words that a deceptive person speaks, calling them empty.This means that what they are saying is not what they mean; therefore, their words are worthless. The sad reality is most will understand this and STILL choose to deal or stay in a situation that is going nowhere fast.

You have to pay attention to their actions!

Don’t be deceived. Don’t allow anyone to keep tricking you no matter how good the conversation is. No matter how comfortable you feel when you talk to them. No matter how much you “want to believe” the best. Believe what they are showing you. Please.


The Lord does not want you deceived. Pray and ask Him to reveal to you the things you need to see. God will. He has already, most times, it’s us. We want to hold on to the lie in hopes that some good will come out of it. Take it from me; it won’t.


B Encouraged.

Bettye Nicole


Freedom from denial


When my heart is overwhelmed